Leanne is the firstborn of the famous and wealthy Vicrow family from the West. She is the daughter of a frustrated father who desired a son, and a mother who was unhappy because she couldn't please her husband. Leanne grew up in an unstable family environment but was extremely gifted in magic due to the upbringing by her grandfather and nanny. Due to her father's genetic predisposition, Leanne was not very tall, which would have made her unnoticed if she hadn't been exceptionally beautiful. When Leanne was twelve years old, she was soon surrounded by suitors who were aware of the dowry she would inherit from her father. Her father arranged marriage talks for her because he was seeking a man to be the new head of the family. Leanne didn't want to marry, but she enjoyed attending all the events.
Leanne loved wearing all the beautiful dresses her mother had sewn for her, but she disagreed with the way her parents wanted to control her life. It was her grandfather who helped her practice magic, and he quickly recognized Leanne's quick grasp and ability to cast spells. Leanne's curiosity led her to experiment with various magical connections to create new potions and spells.
One day, she had enough of her parents' attempts to find a husband for her and demanded that her parents enroll her in Axillias. The best magic school in Krones. Her parents refused and even demanded that she return her wand to them. Reluctantly, Leanne returned her wand and locked herself in her room.
Her parents thought she would have a tantrum, and in a way, she did. However, Leanne gave her parents a fake wand, while her real wand remained hidden under a floorboard in her room. She left a farewell letter to her grandfather, grabbed her wand, and snuck out of the house in the middle of the night.
Her destination was the Sparkles district. A place famous for its nightly duels. Every street, alley, or avenue was illuminated by the lights of wands flashing spells of many battles. Leanne had heard her father talk about this place, considering it a place for barbarians who only wanted to fight. Leanne sought out the biggest and most muscular warlock and challenged him to a duel. He had mocked her small stature and slender build, but he accepted the challenge nonetheless.
It took only a few minutes for Leanne to defeat her rival, and she did it with a ease that made the spectators' blood freeze in their veins. Drunk with euphoria, she giggled mischievously, hiding her face behind her mask. That night, she became known as the faceless demon because she never revealed her identity. The next day, Leanne embarked on a long journey by ship to Krones, dedicating herself to studying magical ingredients from the sea. During her journey, Leanne earned money by selling potions and fighting pirates who dared to challenge her. During the voyage, she became known for her beauty and kindness, but also for her relentless fighting style, earning the respect of the crew. It was widely known that Leanne was weak in close combat, which is why she made sure that no one approached her within five meters. Her opponents were practically knocked down before they even got close to her.
After a long and exhausting month at sea, she finally arrived in Axillias and was eager to take the entrance exam. However, to her surprise, the director informed her that she had already been admitted due to a recommendation letter from Gallius Vicrow, her grandfather. She insisted on taking the exam anyway, as she wanted to be recognized for her own merits. With a smile, Leanne ridiculed one of the best combat magic teachers and left no doubt that she deserved a place at the school.
A year passed, and Leanne became a member of the board of directors of Axilias. One day, she oversaw the entrance exam of the first mage who caught her interest: a young man named Elyaz Sarathin.
Fascinated by his fighting style, Leanne approached Elyaz and immediately recognized that Elyaz was something special. To say he was an introverted and reserved person would be an understatement, but she also found it not difficult to deal with him. He clearly stated what he didn't like, and Leanne just had to listen to him and give him his space. Additionally, he had a strong preference for wild animals and beasts, prompting her to lend him some of her grandfather's books.
To everyone's surprise, they soon became good friends. Elyaz practically trusted only Leanne, and vice versa. Because of their good friendship, Leanne recommended the school of wild magic to Elyaz so he could continue studying the creatures he loved so much. Shortly after his departure, Leanne herself returned home due to her grandfather's illness. On his deathbed, her grandfather entrusted her with the task of realizing his dream: to establish a school suitable for all people and to teach the various branches of magic.
However, her grandfather's death pushed Leanne's ambitions into the background, and she spent the next four years sailing and coping with grief and sorrow. She even visited another continent, where Leanne met a young, brave, but very reckless lady named Dorcy. Dorcy tried to steal a treasure from Leanne that she had discovered on one of her expeditions. In the end, Leanne managed to stop her, but it was not without luck. Dorcy was the first rival Leanne could barely defeat, and her determination suddenly reminded Leanne of her grandfather, and in that moment, she decided it was time to pursue his dream.